vincent night academy

chapter 1: untitled

by mai xo


published: 2024-01-27

summary: the beginning of nessa's first year at magic school doesn't go the way she hoped.

notes: imagine an opening sequence set to a mashup of dreams and landslide by fleetwood mac in the style of oats in the water by ben howard and/or look what you made me do covered by jack leopards and the dolphin club.


Darkness swarms everywhere, so thick it chokes out even the tiniest pinholes of light. The air is thick and heavy and unmoving, pressing into Ness's chest. She gulps for air, but the more she does, the harder it becomes to breathe. Nessssss, the air hisses. It pokes and prods her, laughing an icy, scratchy laugh.

"What," she coughs out, "do you want?"

The air rips out of her lungs, leaving her gasping and choking. She collapses to the ground. Obedience.

She wakes up panting and heart pounding. That is not a good fucking omen at all.

Today is the day she's supposed to move into her new dorm at Vincent Night Academy, the fancy magic boarding school she spent all of middle and elementary school preparing to go into. She was hoping for a perfect day to round out all her hard work, but this nightmare has her on edge. She was imagining waking up to a gorgeous pink sunrise like she normally does, but it's dark outside. She checks the time. No. No, no, no, no, no. 8:36 AM. She's late.

"MOOOOOM," she yells. Footsteps thud through the house and then her door swings open.

"What is it, sweetie?" her mom says. It's almost scary to see her at the door not put together. Her hair falls out of a messy bun in swirling strands, her thick prescription lenses makes her eyes look half their size, her clothes wrinkle into themselves.


notes: i'm half asleep and had a couple of shots. i really should be going to bed but i couldn't stop thinking about this. excuse any typos, i'll have to proofread later

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