
by somdy

Thursday February 1, 2024 04:17

I'm not really liking other people right now. One of my roommates will be away for a few days which will kind of help. Having more alone time in the apartment while both roommates are at work kind of helps. Because as it turns out, I need to talk out loud to my self/selves to regulate in some capacity and I am not comfortable doing that when other people are in earshot.

I was going to write but I think I'm just going to talk. I will publish this anyways, at least as a reminder to me / the others. The nice thing about keeping this blog is it makes it a lot easier to distinguish who is feeling what, because it makes it easier to tell why, and it makes it easier to be kind to myself and everyone about it. I was just always hard on myself before and mad that I was feeling a certain way without an easily distinguishable reason. It's much easier to tell for example, oh I'm having a meltdown about this small rejection because I am 13 again when my parents were really shitty to me and I was looking for any amount of love anywhere I could find it. Like. LOL, you know??

I really do love them all. I'm finally able to feel that now.

from Inside Out

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