học tiếng việt

by ?

Friday February 9, 2024 06:05

Tôi học tiếng việt! I saw a tiktok of a toddler speaking vietnamese and I was surprised I understood without subtitles. I know baby speak I guess lol. But listening to Mỹ Anh I've been feeling like I want to learn Vietnamese this year. Like really study it. I studied the alphabet and pronunciation in 2017 and I can pronounce things alright by reading it, but I don't have enough knowledge to listen and speak. So I guess that's a New Year's Resolution. And no one tell me it's late, Lunar New Year is tomorrow.

I just put this on lol. I'm gonna buckle down on this I think. I get to a point every now and then where I'm tired of English, I'm tired that the only language I can speak is English. I know some Japanese, but I'm losing it because I'm not around Japanese speakers and stopped practiciing after dropping out of college. I was going to do comparative literature in Japanese and English. And I gave up. But I want to speak Vietnamese. I want to speak Lao. And I feel entitled to at least those because I DID speak them, but because my dad didn't understand and didn't want to learn, I was made to only speak English. So I feel like that's a part of me that's been taken away. I also want to speak Spanish because my partner's family speaks it. My grandma told me to prioritize Spanish so I can be a part of this family because I likely won't really have a chance to be a part of mine. Which is sad, but feels true. And so I did, but I've stagnated because I'm too shy to speak it. But. I dunno. I feel like Vietnamese and Lao are a part of me and I need to know them.

And. That's it I guess. I used my brain a lot on the Vietnamese learning video. I'm going to go write my indulgent story that I think I will turn into a lengthy webcomic. Just not sure if I will publish it here or make another online persona 😅

Ok, hope yall are doing well. Love yall.

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